Free Games


The game is played on a square grid of 3×3 squares. One player has an ‘X’ as a symbol and the opponent an ‘O’. The player who manages to place three of his symbols in a straight horizontal, vertical or diagonal line wins.


The game is played on a 9x9 grid. The aim of the game is to fill in the white boxes with numbers from 1 to 9 in such a way that in each row, in each column and in each region there are all the digits from 1 to 9, i.e. without repetitions.


Snake eats what appears on the display and the player earns points. He moves constantly and must avoid crashing into obstacles, but above all into himself.


The pawn always moves diagonally across the dark squares one square at a time and only forwards. When a pawn reaches one of the squares in the last row, it becomes a checker.


The objective of the game is to guess a number from 1 to 100. The player will have 10 attempts and help from the computer if the number is too high or too low.


The aim is to defeat the opponent by choosing a mark that can beat the other's, according to the following rules: Rock breaks scissors. Scissors cuts the paper. The paper wraps the rock.


The playing field consists of an 8x8 field. Each square is uncovered by clicking on it. Ten squares contain mines: when a square with a mine is clicked, it will explode and end the game.


It is a two-dimensional game simulating table tennis. The player controls a racket by moving it vertically on the left or right side. He can challenge another player who controls a second racket on the opposite side.